I am Becky, an independent Speech and Language Therapist with over 14 years experience in assessing and supporting children with a broad range of speech, language and communication needs.
I have experience of working with children and teenagers from 2-19 years old within many different settings, including:
Training I have undertaken:
Webinars I have attended:
I have experience of working with children and teenagers from 2-19 years old within many different settings, including:
- Specialist provisions for Speech Language and Communication Needs at nursery (Dorking Nursery PSLCN) and primary level (Leatherhead Trinity SLCN).
- Specialist provision for Complex Needs at nursery level (Dorking Nursery SNSC).
- Specialist school for pupils 8-18 years old with Specific Learning Difficulties such as Developmental Language Disorder, Developmental Co-ordination Disorder, Dyslexia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Condition (More House School, Frensham).
- Preschool and mainstream community clinics, mixed caseloads.
- Stammering/Dysfluency caseloads from preschool to young adult.
- Speech Sound Delay/Disorder caseloads from preschool to young adult.
- Individual, paired and group therapy targeting speech, language and social skills from preschool up to sixth form.
Training I have undertaken:
- The Ultimate Play Based Speech Therapy Course - Anna Dalziel and Kiersten Singer, Speech and Language Pathologists.
- The Meaningful Speech Gestalt Language Processors UK Conference - Alexandria Zachos, Speech and Language Pathologist. I am a Natural Language Acquisition trained clinician and on the Meaningful speech register.
- Talk Tools - 3 Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy - Sara Rosenfeld-Johnson, Speech and Language Pathologist.
- Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing Course on the Diagnosis and Treatment for Childhood Apraxia of Speech (also known as verbal dyspraxia) - Dr Edy Strand, Speech and Language Pathologist.
Webinars I have attended:
- Augmentative Alternative Communication in the Classroom - Jenny Hillier, Speech and Language Therapist.
- The Complexity Approach to Phonological Intervention - Amy Graham, Speech and Language Pathologist.
- Play and Language Modelling in Gestalt Language Processors - Julie Holmes, Speech and Language Therapist.
- Oral-Facial Exams and Differential Diagnosis of Speech Sound Disorders - Amy Graham, Speech and Language Pathologist.
- Music Theory for Gestalt Language Processors - Corinne Zmoos.
- The Gestalt Language Processors UK Conference - The Speech Den